Checking Phrases

Hey, daddy.
Hey, baby.
Tonya was my father's favorite. Tanya was my father's favorite Tonia was my father's favorite
What's wrong with your oatmeal? What's wrong with your old meal?
Chris made it too lumpy. Chris made it to Lumpy
And she knew it.
You don't have to eat it
I know you're not gonna throw that away. I know you're not going to throw that away
Eat that.
That's 30 cents worth of oatmeal. That's $0.30 worth of oatmeal. That's third cent worth of oatmeal.
My father always knew what everything cost
That's $1.09 in the trash That's $1.09 in the trash That's a dollar nine cents in the trash That's a dollar nine cent in the trash.
That's $2 on fire. That's 2 dollars on fire. That's $2.00 on fire.
That's 49 cents of spilled milk dripping all over my table. That's $0.49 of spilled milk dripping all over my table.
Somebody's gonna drink this milk. Somebody going to drink this milk Somebody's going to drink this milk.

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