Checking Phrases

Oh, hey, baby. How was work? Ohh hey baby, how was work?
You know what I was thinking...
Maybe we should go out, you know?
Have dinner, relax a little.
Why would I go out to relax, when I can relax at home for free?
That was my father's rationale for everything.
$20 to get in the club? 20 dollars to get in the club
We can dance at home for free.
I just wanted to do something nice. That's all.
I think staying home is nice.
Well, you're not here all day.
Why don't I stay home, and you go out work two jobs? Why don't I stay home, and you go out and work two jobs?
Where's a time machine where you could just go back and shut up? Where's the time machine where you could just go back and shut up Where is the time machine where you could just go back and shut up Where is a time machine where you could just go back and shut up

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