Checking Phrases

Julius, look at all of this.
We'll be eating sausage every meal for a whole week. Will be eating sausage every meal for a whole week We will be eating sausage every meal for a whole week.
If you hadn't quit your job, maybe we'd have a little variety. If you hadn't quit your job, maybe we would have a little variety. If you hadn't quit your job, maybe we have a little variety.
Meat is good for society.
Here's a peanut butter sandwich.
When your mama comes down, talk to the side, so she can't smell your breath.
And eat the crust.
I don't like crust.
Just eat it, girl.
Would you believe my father had to come back and finish the crust?
I'm sorry, baby
I understand what you're trying to do.
We can put her on punishment.
Whatever. I mean...
but we have to feed her.
The next time, why don't you let somebody know before you buy a whole crate of sausage?
Thank you!
Next time why don't you let somebody know when you quit your job?
I'm sorry?
I was gonna tell you... I was going to tell you...
I'mma get chicken next time. I'm going to get chicken next time. I'm gonna get chicken next time.
My man got some hook-up on the chicken.

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