Checking Phrases

Dad, Could we stop at McDonald's? That Could we stop at McDonald's? That could stop at McDonald's
You got some McDonald's money? You guys have MacDonald's money
Julius, the kids have to eat.
They ain't got to eat McDonald's They ain't got to eat MacDonald's. They ain't gotta eat McDonald's They got to eat McDonald's. They got a McDonald. They gotta eat McDonald's.
We got some Bologna in the back. I'll pull over. We got some baloney in the back. I'll pull over.
My father Julius always kept bologna handy just in case My father Julius always kept baloney handy just in case
We get one combo meal.
Drew gets the burger,
Tonya gets the fries Tanya gets the fries Tonia gets the fries
Chris you can have the drink.
One time I just got ice.

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