Checking Phrases

Done! dawn
With time to spare.
This may be a New World's record. This may be a New World record.
You know, I hate to lecture you guys,
but it's kinda disgraceful, that a group of well-educated adults but it's kind of disgraceful, that a group of well-educated adults
and Joey enjoy
can't name all the states.
Did you ever see a map, or one of those round, colorful things called "a globe?" Do you ever see a map or one of those round colorful things called a globe? You ever see a map or one of those round colorful things called a globe?
You got 46 states. You got forty-six states.
That's impossible.
46. Wow! forty-six. Wow!
Who's well educated now, Mr. I-forgot-ten-states? Who's well educated now, Mr. I-forgot-10-states? Who is well educated now, Mr. I forgot 10 states.
Okay Ross, time is up! OK, Ross, time's up. OK, Ross, time is up.
No, just give me another minute.
Look, Ross. If you don't know them by now, you will never know them, okay? Lacrosse if you don't know them by now you will never know them okay Look, Ross, if you don't know them by now, you'll never know them, OK? Look, Ross, if you don't know them by now, you will never know them, OK? Look, Raz, if you don't know them by now, you will never know them, OK?
That is the beauty of this game. It makes you want to kill yourself. That's the beauty of this game. It makes you want to kill yourself.
This is crazy! I can do this! All right This is crazy! I can do this! Alright
I bet I can get all 50 before dinner. I bet I can get all fifty before dinner.
Okay, but if you can't…no dinner! OK, but if you can't, no dinner.
You're on!
All right. Don't look at my list, Ross, 'cause there's a lot on there that you don't have. All right don't look at my list Ross cuz there's a lot on there that you don't have All right don't look at my list Ross cuz there's a lot on there and you don't have All right, don't look at my list, Ross, because there's a lot on there that you don't have. Alright, don't look at my list, Ross, 'cause there's a lot on there that you don't have.

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